St John Chrysostom Orthodox Church
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
House Springs, MO

Educational Videos

Confession:The Path to the renewal of the heart - Archmandrite Irenei

The Fountain of Immortality - Journey through the Litrurgy

The Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer

Orthodox Life in the City - Sister Vassa

Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Liturgy as our Life - Archimandrite Sergius

The Prayers of the Anaphora in Slavonic - Patriarch Kirill

Why Study the History of the Liturgy - Sister Vassa

Sister Vassa Larin .

Selected Gospel Commentaries- Blessed Theophylact
Sundays before Lent

Great Lent

Paschal Season

Sundays after Pentecost—Matthew Lectionary

Sundays after Pentecost—Luke Lectionary